If so,
congratulations! You’re officially part of the modern world of productive
users, who have their own opinions, their own preferences and favourites, and
more often than not, profiles on websites that enable them the means to express
themselves or contribute to information, as well as being a part of a movement
that is revolutionising the way people interpret consumers.
Still in the dark? Allow me to inform you about a website called Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a brilliant example of produsage, as the majority of the information on this website is constructed by users and regular people. This is the definition of a productive user. They use Wikipedia, at the same time as they produce Wikipedia.
How do you become one, you may ask? Anyone who starts a blog
(oui, c’est moi), or a YouTube account (oui, c’est moi aussi), or any form of
profile that is part of a social media outlet that allows you to be a part of
it, and contribute to it, such as writing comments, posting videos and being a
publicity fool, IS A PRODUSER.
So if you find a video on YouTube, and comment on it, that’s
sort of productive.
But if you start your own vlog, or blog, or make the time and
effort to make or contribute to a Wikipedia page, or anything similar to that,
then you are halfway there on your very own journey towards produsage.
Produsage is becoming an increasingly encouraged practice.
Especially in this century, and in this modern world where freedom of
expression, opinions and speech is promoted vehemently. This is a wonderful
thing. It’s because of this that anyone in this world can find an outlet of
communication for any habit, hobby, art, music or film interest.
This is a great video of how to create a good vlog, as there are so many mediocre ones around.
Being an optimistic person who likes to think that people are
inherently good, I would like to focus on the positive aspect of sites such as
YouTube, and the joy it can bring to people. YouTube is a bonding experience.
Who hasn’t used a funny video to connect to someone in a moment of awkwardness?
Or as a way to make the kids you’re babysitting think you’re cool?
YouTube can be taken advantage of is used by the wrong
people (eExtremists, jerks or narcissistic clowns), but there are more RIGHT people out there, so let’s take back YouTube
and the happiness that it brings. Let’s laugh together at some hilarious video,
and share it among our Facebook communities. We are funny people, people!
Sharing is caring, especially if it’s for a laugh!