Thursday, 31 May 2012


Ah the good old days, when all you
needed was a phone to make calls and
texts... What a joke.

Now, I don’t know about any of you, but sometimes I sit and think about what the future will bring. Will I be obese? Will I be a spinster? Will I ever earn more than 15 dollars an hour? And the big question, the main query, the only one that really makes me wonder and sweat and drool thinking about it… Will there ever be a phone greater and more functional than the iPhone?

I have spoken before about how much my iPhone makes up a part of my life, and I’m sure that many people can relate. There isn’t much the iPhone can’t do, or any smart phone for that matter. 
The view from Google Maps.
You can now communicate verbally with your phone to complete tasks like send texts to people without using your fingers, or make up dates or finalise appointments in your calendar. And it’s not just smart phones; TVs can now think for themselves, you can record multiple television programs, you can Skype across the world by using the Internet, you can use social networking sites to track down your old High School boyfriend to see if he became attractive since you ended, medicine can cure almost any disease, dead people’s limbs are being sewn to live bodies so that people can walk again, you can inject chemicals into your skin to decrease the signs of aging, you can film and record anything, you can use Google Maps to track your journey and see your own house from a satellite, and so much more! 
The best game ever,
before you
knew better.
There are so many amazing things that are accessible and possible in this modern world.
Which poses the question, is there much more technology that can be invented? Can it get much more advanced than it already has? In my life time alone (I’ll be 20 on Bastille Day this year) there has been a major revolution of technology, one that can be compared to the Industrial Revolution, which completely changed and revamped the world. In this relatively short revolution, computers became common place, email and networking websites were created, the population of mobile phones grew and DVDs replaced VCR.  These few major creations gave birth to more necessary areas of development, and which have since continuously been growing. In the past two years, technology seems to have reached a peak. Is there much further to go? I feel as if there isn’t.
Technology wise, I wouldn’t mind if it just stopped. All I want is for my iPhone’s battery to last longer, and have a less likelihood of breaking, regardless of how many times it slips from my grasp.

Sometimes your First Life just isn't enough..

Second Life is an online game that is considered to be a virtual universe. People make themselves an avatar, often extremely attractive and extremely unrealistic to their own real life appearance, and interact with other people, own estates and make money, both real life dollars and ‘Linden’ dollars (Second Life money). The demographic of users of Second Life are typically adults, over 30 years of age, and the majority are American.
For some people, Second Life is exactly its own namesake. People conduct love affairs, make a profit by selling objects and properties, as well as get married and give birth to children.
I tried to play Second Life, and I didn’t enjoy it. I tried to interact with others, sending out messages such as “hey guys, who’s down for an intimate virtual hug?” No one responded to me. I was isolated, because I was obviously a NOOB. That is, similar to a newbie, but also because I wasn’t that interested to learn how to behave appropriately in Second Life.
Yes, you will be replaced.
I researched a lot about Second Life, and how some people take their addiction to the extreme and refuse to leave their computers and have ‘bathroom buckets’ so that they don’t miss out of anything.
There have been divorce cases because one partner has conducted a virtual affair, and the other partner considers it to be a serious betrayal, which in itself I find almost hilarious. Are people these days so hyper sensitive that if their real life partner chats seductively to a made up computer graphic creature via the internet, they consider it to be a treachery to their marriage vowels, or moral values?

This Second Life video is a graphic birthing video. I'd personally suggest that you watch this without the sound on, and maybe a bit of music that you prefer. I’d also like to recommend that you scan through the video than watch the whole 7 minutes. The break down is that this is a lead up video to the birth of the baby girl (Alicia), and it shows dancing and a celebration at the announcement of the baby, and all the Second Life friends of the Second Life parents coming together, almost exactly like a real life baby shower.

This video is a bit extreme, which is exactly why I’m using it as an example of how serious people play this game, as if it is their chance at a second existence.
YouTube is littered with videos like these, and wedding videos, sex videos, court case videos as well as documentaries that have been made about couples who had met through Second Life. 

I do find Second Life fascinating, how realistic it can be (just watch an intimate sexual encounter via YouTube, you’ll see what I mean), how much real money is invested into the game (watch Second Life real estate barons on YouTube) and how much time and effort is put into the game by regular and ordinary people who live an extraordinary virtual existence.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Not my iPhone, I beg of you

My first ever phone <3
I’m a girl in my late teens. I don’t have any children. I do however have a puppy and an iPhone. Anyone else that can relate to my position knows that these two variables in a person’s life are hugely important, and feed on each other. I love my puppy, I love my iPhone. I take photos of my puppy on my iPhone. I then obsess over the photos of my puppy on my iPhone.
I got my first phone when I was 11 or 12, and it was a classic Nokia brick. I went through Nokia’s and Samsung’s, until my Dad bought me an iPhone 3G when I was 17, at the start of year 12. It. Was. Bliss.
I can honestly say that I would not have made it through the hell of my final year of high school without my iPhone, and the distraction that it gave me.
It wouldn’t be far from the truth when someone says that their life is their iPhone. It very easily can be. An iPhone has everything; texts, calls, games, Facebook, the internet, calendar, and so much more. An iPhone is more than just a phone. It is a lifestyle.
What the screen of my 3G looked like :(
Since destroying my 3G on three separate occasions (by dropping it on tiles when sitting on the toilet or by angrily throwing it on the floor in a moment of passionate rage), I have upgraded to a 4S. I almost lost it forever in the backseat of a Taxi once, and I felt as if my parents had been kidnapped. My contacts, my photos, my music, my text message history, my notes and plans and diary, my bank details all gone; I cried. Outside Swanston street McDonalds in the city at 10 o’clock on a Saturday night, I hurt (almost) as much as a death in the family.
I don’t think I’m the only one that feels, and would feel this way. I’m sure almost everyone who owns an iPhone feel like their phone is their lifeline.
The mobile phone was essentially invented so that people were accessible in moments of emergency. I know that that’s why my parents gave me one of their spares; in case I needed a lift and it was late, or I was lost and scared.
What began as a black brick of a phone that only had the ability to call someone or play Snake, has morphed into an always available, constantly working and thinking smart phone that has almost every detail of anyone’s life implanted in it.
Is that a scary thought? That by taking someone’s phone, you have access to almost every aspect of their life. I think it is, but that doesn’t mean I can deny the ease and the need for a phone such as the iPhone. It was a brilliant idea, and it still is. iPhones will continue to evolve, and there will be Androids trying to keep up (let’s face it, they’ll never quite be as good). There will be a time when almost everyone in Western society will have an iPhone.
And I can’t wait.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

The PoPolitics! I can't do me another nickel!

Politicians have always used social media as forms of propaganda. In the times of Ancient Rome and Greece, they would have their heads put onto coins or statues made of them in order to spread their face and their celebrity. The title of this post is reminiscent of that, as faces of politicians on coins changed a lot, and a nickel is a coin.
Nazi Germany in particular used poster propaganda, advertisements and films in order to enforce their message of anti-Semitism and patriotism. They had books, comics, magazines, films and radio broadcasts that when combined created an all-powerful message. This was extremely affective, and was one of the main reasons why the German people were almost completely brain washed to prevent them from acting out against the atrocities committed by the Hitler government.
This idea of propaganda has been updated and modified by the birth of modern social media. Politicians and potential candidates are using the Internet, mobile phones, television, and social networking sites etc, as convenient outlets to get their message across to their possible voters.
A very successful example of modern campaigning is that of Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential crusade. He posted videos on YouTube and on his Facebook profile of speeches that he had made, along with interviews that he had done. This meant that even if someone was not able to go to one of Obama’s rallies, they can witness and support the movement through using the Internet. It was suggested that it was due to Obama being technologically savvy that gave him a massive advantage during the election. I believe that that would be completely true.
I’ve read articles stating that the youth of society show little to none interest in politics and elections. American youth in particular, where it isn’t mandatory that you vote, are a part of this ‘fact’. I think that by using social networking tools, politicians are more able to include young people, and provide them with an easy way to ‘get to know’ the politician. This helped to increase popularity within the voting population, regardless of age and social standing, as the internet is available to almost everyone.
Politicians have reached a new form of celebrity with the help of Twitter, where they are able to connect with their followers by posting Tweets just as other celebrities do, like Rihanna or Ashton Kutcher. Twitter is an effective way of making people instantly more likeable, as it makes them feel more human, and makes the followers feel as if they have a connection to the  celebrity because of what they tweet. Politics is traditionally known as a dry and ‘adult’ interest, but through the usage of social media websites and networks it is making politics more accessible and interesting.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Are you Produsage?ish


If so, congratulations! You’re officially part of the modern world of productive users, who have their own opinions, their own preferences and favourites, and more often than not, profiles on websites that enable them the means to express themselves or contribute to information, as well as being a part of a movement that is revolutionising the way people interpret consumers.

Still in the dark? Allow me to inform you about a website called Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a brilliant example of produsage, as the majority of the information on this website is constructed by users and regular people. This is the definition of a productive user. They use Wikipedia, at the same time as they produce Wikipedia.

How do you become one, you may ask? Anyone who starts a blog (oui, c’est moi), or a YouTube account (oui, c’est moi aussi), or any form of profile that is part of a social media outlet that allows you to be a part of it, and contribute to it, such as writing comments, posting videos and being a publicity fool, IS A PRODUSER.

So if you find a video on YouTube, and comment on it, that’s sort of productive.

But if you start your own vlog, or blog, or make the time and effort to make or contribute to a Wikipedia page, or anything similar to that, then you are halfway there on your very own journey towards produsage.

Produsage is becoming an increasingly encouraged practice. Especially in this century, and in this modern world where freedom of expression, opinions and speech is promoted vehemently. This is a wonderful thing. It’s because of this that anyone in this world can find an outlet of communication for any habit, hobby, art, music or film interest.

This is a great video of how to create a good vlog, as there are so many mediocre ones around.

The availability of social network can also be seen as a terrible thing, as it can create an avenue for negative feedback, or in some severe cases, bullying. Finding a funny video on YouTube can be a joy. But a lot of them are just funny because you can easily make fun of the zealousness of the character in the video, or their appearance, or talent (more commonly the lack of it).

Being an optimistic person who likes to think that people are inherently good, I would like to focus on the positive aspect of sites such as YouTube, and the joy it can bring to people. YouTube is a bonding experience. Who hasn’t used a funny video to connect to someone in a moment of awkwardness? Or as a way to make the kids you’re babysitting think you’re cool?

YouTube can be taken advantage of is used by the wrong people (eExtremists, jerks or narcissistic clowns), but there are more RIGHT people out there, so let’s take back YouTube and the happiness that it brings. Let’s laugh together at some hilarious video, and share it among our Facebook communities. We are funny people, people! Sharing is caring, especially if it’s for a laugh!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Free Julian

>Activist--Whistle blower--Freedom fighter—Intellectual--Pursuer of truth--Saviour<
In the past, whistle blowers have been applauded and called heroes. They have saved lives and risked their own normality and wellbeing in order to expose unheard of and hidden dangers or crimes. These people have then been congratulated and worshipped, had books written about them and films made of their heroic actions. Why is Julian Assange any different? Isn’t he just providing an outlet for citizens who want to know more about their governments, the good and the bad?
Julian Assange is an Australian citizen who lives in Northern Europe and is the founder of WikiLeaks, a website that in early 2010 posted United States Army footage of collateral murder in Iraq committed by two Apache helicopters which killed 8 unharmed people and injured 2 children is a big deal, among hundreds of thousands of other government documents.
The video is proof of a war crime, and the attitude of chauvinistic American soldiers is shown as cold blooded and criminal.
And yet Julian Assange is the ‘terrorist of justice’ and a ‘traitor to America’. Bill O’Reilly, an aggressive political commentator on Fox News thinks he should be executed. Hillary Clinton thinks he should face the full force of US law, saying he broke the US Espionage Act of 1917, which essentially prevents Americans from giving intel to enemy nations.  

Julian Assange is a pursuer of truth, and his goal is to educate the people of the world on how crooked and corrupt power nations such as the United States are.
The United States are a pro-war/pro-slaughter/pro-destroy the Middle East, country. They are thought to be the most powerful nation in the world, due to the emphasis and funding that is distributed to their Military. They proclaim themselves ‘the defenders of the peace’. This is a title I would give Julian Assange and the workers of WikiLeaks, not a country with a history of blood-thirsty prejudice and intimidation such as the United States.

In 2010, Julian Assange was proclaimed a rapist on two separate counts by two Swedish women who had affairs with him. I believe, like many others, that these women were paid by the United States to press false charges against him. I think that America would do almost anything to give reason why the world should question his credibility as a moral person.

Julian Assange is making use of the Internet as it should be used for, activism and fighting for the welfare of people whose voices can’t be heard. We use the Internet every day, for self-expression and enlightenment. Why else do we have social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter? To share information with eachother, just as WikiLeaks is doing. It just so happens that this is classified information which shows power countries for how they are, manipulative and conniving. 

If people like Julian Assange and his co-workers continue to be persecuted, then I am truly sad for the future. What good is the freedom of speech if you can’t express what is right? What is the use of the Internet if you can’t educate people, especially on what their government is really doing with their tax money? 

Julian Assange should be considered a hero. He is an activist, he is a freedom fighter, and he is a top bloke.


Tuesday, 3 April 2012

E is for eExtremists

The word extreme, unless used by skateboarders or Frisbee throwers, brings about negative connotations. Religious Extremism, political extremism, Dolly Parton extremism. None of these terms bring about warm and fuzzy feelings.

In a society where there are hundreds of thousands of different kinds of minority groups, where there are more of us bunched together in close ranges and communities, where you would describe almost every society as multi-cultural, you would correctly assume that acceptance is vital.

Yet unfortunately there are people who were born in the wrong era and for some reason or another are raised to be intolerant of anyone who is different to themselves, be it skin colour, eye colour, sexual orientation and preference, religious difference or country of origin. I find this to be a great shame, and a stain on modern day society.
These people who parade under the banner of Neo-Nazism, Aryan Nation, or White Supremism etc. all have something in common. They are typically Christian of religion (which is a contradiction in itself since the Bible dictates that God loves everyone equally), and come from small towns (who breed small minds) and more often than not are American.
I would be the last to say that the Internet is a bad thing, but in cases such as anti-social eExtremism, it is unfortunate. These hatemongers are successfully using the Internet, and websites such as YouTube and Facebook, to spread their xenophobic messages to the world. They are able to connect to other anti-Semites and share views and videos. It is through the Internet that they are able to recruit impressionable people to join their minority of narrow-mindedness.
I refuse to accept that people who legitimately believe that the paleness of their skin or hair automatically makes them superior are educated or knowledgeable people. There is no way that intelligent people can be so bigoted, and so wrong.
The United States of America is renowned for its hypocrisy and contradictive nature, in that you have the Freedom of Speech, but if they don’t agree with you they’ll cut you down.  
The Campbell’s are a perfect example of freedom of speech gone wrong. People all over the world can name their children whatever they want, or have the potential to. Americans are embracing their right to pick any name they please, with some celebrities naming their children “Moxie Crimefighter” “Pilot Inspektor” “Sage Moonblood” and “Apple”. 
These Neo-Nazi devotees chose the Hitler fanatical names for their children and subsequently had them removed from their home. It’s unfortunate that these people are of the beliefs that they are, but technically they can choose what they want, it just so happens to be a name that worships one of the worst war criminals of all time.
I am an open, embracing and accepting human being, and I try my best not to judge anyone by their appearance, unless it’s a very slutty looking tramp of a girl. I would hope that people wouldn’t judge me by my pale Ginger-inherited skin, curly blonde hair or bad dress sense. It’s a shame that there are other people who share the same air as me and others, but not the same common courtesy.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Friend's don't let friends Twitter

I’d easily be able to describe myself as being a bit of an obsessive fiend. By that I mean, I can get hooked onto anything with minimal effort. I’ve been completely owned by stupid games on my iPhone, ones where you have to go collect your coins or blood or produce at a certain time otherwise other players would steal it from you. I was completely serious about all of that. I was addicted to Sims 1, then Sims 2, and it took me a while to submit myself to Sims 3 but once I did I couldn’t escape. GTA San Andreas and Tomb Raider: Legend controlled me until my PS2 died. If it hadn’t died I can only assume I wouldn’t have been able to complete year 12. 

It took me a year of watching my friends have Facebook before I signed up, simply because I was trying to prevent the storm of addiction, and I knew I’d be a complete sucker for it. And I was right. And I still am a sucker for Facebook.
Twitter has never appealed to me. I didn’t have a MySpace so if Twitter is somewhat similar than it still means nothing to me, I have no clue. For one of my University subjects I had to make a Twitter account because the teacher would tweet words that we’d have to put into our blog. Needless to say that due to my inability to use Twitter, I failed that stupid subject.

What is Twitter used for? Why do people feel the need to tweet to the internet world whatever they’re doing at that moment in time? When people make pointless statuses on Facebook, at least it’s restricted to whoever is their ‘friend’ on Facebook, and who hasn’t blocked their posts from their newsfeeds yet.
My basic understanding of Twitter is that people send tweets out into the ‘twitterverse’, some are directed at other twitterers and others not. And people can respond to the tweets, and can re-tweet the tweets. This is straight over my head. 
I had a quick look at Twitter and at some celebrities' tweets, and was almost knocked sideways by how mundane these tweets are. So why are millions of people following celebrities on Twitter, such as Ashton Kutcher, Rihanna and Kim Kardashian? What does that say about society today where there are millions of people hanging on to the edge of their seat, waiting for a tweet on what Ashton had for breakfast this morning. Why do people care? 
It’s impossible to watch reality TV shows or news programs now without having texts appear at the bottom of the screen, asking you to tweet your hugely important opinion on what’s occurring.

This whole revolution saddens me. What happened to when people could do their own thing, and be proud of it? How have we fallen so far that the constant need of approval by complete strangers and/or D-List ‘Celebrities’  is more important to us than our own personal happiness or privacy?
I’ll just be here, sitting and waiting, for someone to realise that this isn't okay.